Thursday, January 30, 2020

Title research:

Art of the title is a website that lists most movie opening scenes. They are not listed in alphabetical order. Nor are they ordered by genre. When you are looking for a certain genre kit makes it hard to look for what you want. It also makes it harder to narrow down. It makes you look through all titles and check and see if they are your genre in a separate tab. I do however like how you can kind of narrow it down if you know the designer and studio it came from. But that is kind of a hard thing to know because the names are so specific and i was expecting just a tab with the Big 5 and then a last one with independent. The colors of the website are also really cute too. I like the way the shade of  blue they use and the black and white compliment. The aesthetic is very pretty. For researching titles this website is very reliable. It is also very important.

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