I finished watching both films, and now I will be comparing the two. I personally preferred the full length feature film better, because I feel like it was easier to follow than the short film. I wrote about how the short film was kind of silent and hard to follow, if you were not paying attention. The full length also introduced us to more of characters than the short did. One of the characters we got introduced to was number one, he was one of my favorites, he was adorable. We also found out what they actually were, they were hand made dolls that are operated by mechanics. I really enjoyed his character arc, in the beginning he was a scaredy cat and was extremely fearful, but at the end he sacrificed himself to save the rest. We were also introduced to more of the machines than just the cat beast. The full length also had a way more decipherable plot, which made it easier to follow than the short. The short was also quite good, and I would recommend watching it for back plot. The short was definitely a little more confusing than the full length and had less development. I am quite happy that it got turned into a full length, because it was a lot more fun and better to watch. also the full length was more like WALL-E than the short, which made it even more enjoyable, to have something to compare it to
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